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Title | Manufacturer | Category | Catalog# | Unit | Price |
TaqIT DNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7620L | 5000 U | $0.00 |
VeraSeq PCR Mix | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7610L | 2x, 250 reactions | $0.00 |
T4 DNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7080L | 2000 U | $0.00 |
DNA Polymerase I | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7050L | 5000 U | $0.00 |
T3 DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6010L | 900,000 U | $0.00 |
Taq DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6060L | 20,000 U | $0.00 |
φ29 DNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7020-HC-L | high concentration | $0.00 |
φ29 DNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7020-LC-L | low concentration | $0.00 |
StableScript Reverse Transcriptase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7720L | evaluation pack | $0.00 |
RNase-Free DNase Set | Qiagen | Enzymes | 79254 | 50 | $131.00 |
RNase-Free DNase Set | Qiagen | Enzymes | 79256 | 250 | $595.00 |
T7 RNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7180L | 50,000 U | $0.00 |
WGS Fragmentation Mix | Qiagen | Enzymes | Y9410L | 24 reactions | $0.00 |
T7 DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6020L | 900,000 U | $0.00 |
Mako DNA Polymerase | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7090L | 3ʹ→ 5ʹ exo– | $0.00 |
T4 DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6030-W-L | NGS | $0.00 |
T4 DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6030-LC-L | Standard | $0.00 |
T4 DNA Ligase | Qiagen | Enzymes | L6030-HC-L | Rapid | $0.00 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 19157 | 30 AU | $314.00 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 19155 | 7.5 AU | $96.80 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 19131 | 2 ml | $118.00 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 19133 | 10 ml | $400.00 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 1021055 | 6.0 ml | $43.80 |
QIAGEN Protease and Proteinase K | Qiagen | Enzymes | 6000-2110E | re | $0.00 |
Terminal Deoxynulceotidyl Transferase (TdT) | Qiagen | Enzymes | P7070L | TdT | $0.00 |